Monday, June 28, 2010

Look at these amazing loan rates!!

Can you believe these interest rates? After all of the concerns about China and the manipulation of their currency, look at this! There seems to be no investor concern at all!

Conf Rate 1 Point
30 Yr 4.375 Low for the YR
15 Yr 3.875
10 Yr 3.75
7 Yr 3.75
5 Yr 3.375
$417,000 max loan

30 Yr 4.75
15 Yr 4.50
203k 5.00
$417,000 max conf loan

30 yr 4.75%

Conf Jumbo
30 Yr 4.50 WOW
15 Yr 4.125
5 Yr 3.875

OC $729,750
LA $729,750
San Diego $697,500
Riverside $500,000
San Berdo $500,000

FHA Jumbo
30 Yr 4.875
15 Yr 4.50
5 Yr 3.75
Interest rates are great. If there is anything we can do to help you please let me know.

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